
How does GITEX Global support and boost startups?

GITEX Global is an annual event with a beacon of innovation, uniting the world’s brightest minds and most forward-thinking enterprises to propel businesses, economies, societies, and cultures into the future. GITEX Global is a platform where ideas are born, collaborations are forged, and possibilities are limitless.

What is GITEX Global?

In the year 2023, GITEX Global holds a special significance as it is dubbed “The Year to Imagine AI in Everything.” The event serves as a catalyst, igniting the global race for AI supremacy. Experts and visionaries come together to reveal prophecies and share insights about the profound impact AI will have on our world. This is a chance to be at the forefront of this AI revolution, gaining invaluable knowledge about what’s to come.

Hosted by the Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy, this year’s GITEX Global unfolds in a fresh setting—the breathtaking Dubai Harbour. The shift to this new venue ushers in an era of infinite possibilities for innovators, founders, investors, and corporate trailblazers. It’s not just a gathering; it’s a convergence of those shaping a sustainable future and setting the stage for COP28.

Why should you visit GITEX Global? 

The reasons are as diverse as the innovations showcased at the event. It’s a unique opportunity to witness cutting-edge technologies, explore emerging trends, and connect with industry leaders. Networking here opens doors to potential collaborations, partnerships, and groundbreaking ideas that can transform your business landscape.

One of the standout participants at GITEX Global is Vision Tact, our company specializing in staffing and staff augmentation services. We bring their expertise to the event, providing invaluable insights and solutions for businesses seeking to optimize their workforce and achieve their goals. Vision Tact stands ready to assist organizations in their journey towards digital transformation.

So, if you’re looking to immerse yourself in the future of technology and be part of a global movement shaping the digital age, GITEX Global 2023 is the place to be. Join the conversations, envision the future, and explore the endless possibilities that await. Come and meet Vision Tact at GITEX Global—let’s revolutionize the way you do business.

How is GITEX Global empowering startups?

GITEX Global serves as a dynamic platform that empowers startups by providing them with unparalleled visibility, networking opportunities, and exposure to potential investors and partners. Startups at GITEX gain access to a vast audience of industry professionals, venture capitalists, and tech enthusiasts, enabling them to showcase their innovative solutions and garner valuable feedback.

Among the many success stories, several startups have emerged from GITEX Global with groundbreaking technologies. One notable example is a startup that developed an AI-powered sustainable energy management system, optimizing energy consumption in commercial buildings. These success stories demonstrate how GITEX Global acts as a catalyst for startups, propelling them towards success and making a significant impact in their respective industries.

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